Weekend - Starting Solids Workshop
Feel confident about introducing solid food to your baby
Available spots
There are so many questions floating around as you approach this stage. Does it matter which meal? What if they sleep through a meal time? What food should you start with? Does it matter if it is sweet or savoury? What foods should be avoided? Puree or finger foods? Or lumpy food? What about spices? What happens to the milk? Do they need water? How do you get the balance right? What equipment do you need? Can you avoid a fussy eater? How do you avoid some of the issues around food that you may have? What about allergies? What the heck is baby led weaning? Can you combine approaches? What about choking? We will cover all of these and more to make sure you have all the information you need. Baby aged 3-6 months? Had you just started to feel like you were getting to grips with parenting? And now it's time to start to think about introducing your baby to food! You might be full of questions, you might be completely overwhelmed at all the information available, opinions offered or you might be feeling anxious about starting solids. Maybe someone suggested your baby needs food to help them sleep, maybe you feel they are hungry, or big or small and need some food. When is the right time to start introducing solids? Once you start looking into you will find varying information. The baby food in the supermarket saying from 4 months, your Health Visitor saying 6 months, friends and family telling you what they did. This course will give you the evidence, explain what to look for to see if your baby is ready and help you feel confident you are making the right decision. In this session we will answer all your questions remembering that there is no one-size fits all approach and only you know what will work best for your baby and your family. You will be able to assess the current evidence and information and find what works for you. At the end you will be feeling confident, relaxed and even excited as you head towards this next big stage of your baby's development.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Terms of Service Payment Method We always require payment in advance of your first class. Attendance is strictly limited to people who have booked and completed the Medical Questionnaire. Amending Class Times We will always endeavour to provide you with a minimum of 7 days’ notice if a class time needs to be altered. Where the start time is altered by less than 30 minutes no refunds will be offered. Refunds and Cancellations If we cancel a class then we will offer you an alternative date or a full refund (other than in the case of a ‘force majeure’/Circumstances beyond our Control). We are under no obligation to refund you if you are unable to attend all or part of the course, nor are we obligated to provide an alternative class for missed lessons. Observers We do not generally allow observers in classes, including family members, partners or friends. We may have internal observers who are in the class for training purposes, including teachers, midwives or trainee midwives.
Contact Details
Formally the Robins Nest Emporium Mandaleigh, West Street, Fareham, UK