Designed To Recover
Support after birth or other difficult perinatal or life experiences.
Including the 3 Step Rewind technique.
"Thank you for all the sessions. I was completely open to the process but didn't know if it would work, but it has and I couldn't be more pleased xx"
N July 2023
What is Designed to Recover?
Designed To Recover looks at the mind following birth.
Addressing any issues caused by worries about birth/parenting, an unconventional pregnancy journey, negative birth outcomes, struggles during the postnatal period. Any strong unwanted emotions we have holding us back.
We are looking to give ourselves more choice of emotions in the moments we recall these events and focus on our ability to move forward from these events with confidence.
I feel passionate that holistic therapies can support the whole family's mental health - mummy and daddy. I'm constantly learning and updating my skills and I am training to specifically support those experiencing trauma-related perinatal mental health issues.
This is particularly helpful if you plan to attend a debrief with the NHS. Going through these sessions beforehand can make the debrief easier.
I've been in your shoes myself, so completely get it and thanks to some amazing training with Mark Harris of Birth Awareness 3 step rewind training; I am confident we can make a difference to how these memories affect you moving forward.
Tell me about the process in more detail Resolve & Gently Lift Negative Emotions associated with Difficult Memories •Birth Trauma •Fertility Journeys •Pregnancy Loss •Pregnancy Complications •Breastfeeding Difficulties Whether you are on a fertility journey, currently pregnant or have decided that your family is now complete, it is important to find healing and a place of peace. Planning & starting a family is likely to be one of the most significant and memorable times of your entire life, and a time which should be looked back on with warmth, love, joy and excitement. Unfortunately, for some families, this is not always the case. What is Trauma? Trauma occurs when the brain is unable to separate difficult memories from difficult emotions. Recalling a distressing event therefore triggers a “fight or flight” reaction even when no current danger exists. Signs of trauma can include - •Flashbacks or nightmares •Anxiety or a strong emotional response when something reminds you of that event •Trouble sleeping •Hyper-vigilance, or worrying about/avoiding similar situations •Physical symptoms such as nausea or headaches •Feelings of failure •An inability to talk about specific events or feelings Although people who meet the formal diagnostic criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to their birth is only about 5%, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more who experience signs of trauma which are distressing and significantly affecting their lives and their transition into parenthood. Who is affected by perinatal trauma? 30% - Approximately 30% of all parents in the UK will describe their birth as traumatic 1/3 - That’s nearly a 3rd of all parents What is The Designed To Recover Process? At Designed To; I facilitate the use of the 3 Step Rewind. This is a gentle and effective process originating from neuro linguistic programming (NLP) that can help shift the heavy or unhelpful emotions and anxiety that are attached to any negative memories related to your experiences of pregnancy or birth (or ANY experience that has been experienced as traumatic). The Rewind technique offers you the opportunity to talk about your birth experience if you would like to, however the wonderful thing about this technique is that you don’t have to talk about your experience out loud if you don’t want to. What IS required is that you feel happy to talk about your symptoms, and how you would like to change them.
Designed To Recover: Emotional Reframing
Suitable for anyone who has experienced unwanted emotions surrounding any aspect of their journey
Perinatal trauma of any kind
Fertility Issues
Birth Partner
Changed Relationships
Undesired Birth Outcomes
NICU stays
Online or in person, this course is 1:1 and offered over the space of 2-4 weeks. I offer a gentle and effective activation of your own healing mechanisms after a difficult experience. The process is aimed towards shifting discomfort and symptoms which remain following a difficult birth, fertility journey or any other perinatal experience.
I look forward to meeting you and providing a safe space for you to explore your choices and make decisions that are right for you and your baby
Designed To Recover:
A weekly class for all those who are adjusting to their new role as a parent. Learn how to regulate your own emotions and discover the effects that has for your children and those around you.
In association with The Mindful Breastfeeding Company.
Useful Links/Info
What is Birth Trauma, is it common?
Yes. Sadly you are not alone. Currently, around 30% of all women find some aspect of their birth traumatic or distressing, which equates to around 200,000 women per year in the UK. That is a lot of women starting the journey to motherhood feeling difficult and overwhelming emotions. And it is on the rise. We don't yet have the statistics for partners and staff, but we know that they are impacted too. Yet, birth trauma is still not well recognised or identified.
Birth Trauma and the feelings and emotions it leaves are not the same as postnatal depression (PND), or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Often unfortunately birth trauma is not recognised by GPs, health visitors or other health professionals. It does not mean that it is not valid or important, and help is available, so you feel better emotionally - because you are important.
Birth trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following childbirth has been acknowledged by clinicians for many years but was only written into the NICE Guidelines in 2014. This saw the inclusion of tokophobia (fear of childbirth), PTSD, antenatal depression and anxiety disorders and a definition of a traumatic birth:
“Traumatic birth includes births, whether preterm or full term which are physically traumatic….and births that are experienced as traumatic, even when the delivery is obstetrically straightforward.” NICE Guidelines
This last fact is crucial - the experience of trauma is completely subjective. However, your birth might appear to others, you can feel traumatised by your birth. I want to help women overcome these feelings to be able to feel better in themselves, because parenthood is hard enough without buried traumatic feelings too.
I am a father/birth partner, do I have Birth Trauma?
How do I arrange a debrief with the hospital and is it beneficial to me?